June 24, 2014
Volunteer with NEPTL
We always need volunteers to staff the library. You can sign up by emailing volunteer@neptl.org
Thank you!
Contact Us
NE Portland Tool Library
5431 NE 20th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97211
Saturdays, 9am – 2pm
Tuesdays, 5:30 – 7:30pm
Wednesdays, 5:30 – 7:30pm
Tool Database
Have you checked out our tool database yet? Search for tools and tell us what you think!
Become a Fan

June 2014 Newsletter
Volunteer, Volunteer, Volunteer
Did your stomach sink a little when you got the message that the Tool Library wouldn’t be open unless there were people to run the computers? Did you feel slightly angry? “What the what? It can’t close! I need to check out / return / see if they have…”Fortunately, people stepped up and we were open. BUT… summer is our busy season and it would be stress reducing if everyone who uses the library on a regular basis signed up for a shift.The shifts are short — two and a half hours!
The work is fun and… you get to see what’s new in stock since the last time you really had a chance to look around.
Commit to JUST ONE SHIFT this summer and send an email to our volunteer coordinator: volunteer@neptl.org
We’ll give you a NEPTL sticker as a thank you!
Tool Library Garage Sale: June 27 and 28
Friday: 12 – 5 & Saturday: 9 – 2
 . The best garage sale for tools is BACK! Tools that have been retired from circulation, donations, and miscellaneous odds and ends are coming out of storage and are ready for new owners.We have a wood chipper, several miter saws, lots of tools for the garden, corded and cordless power tools, some beautiful “almost antique” handtools, vintage keys and boxes, lots of thingamagigs and hard to find doohickeys.
Classified Ads in the Newsletter?
Many of the NE neighborhood papers and newsletters have a classified section that goes out to the community. We thought this could be a nice feature for our members and also be a fundraiser for the library.Our newsletter goes out to 3,000 members once a month. The ad format would be basic — we’d allow a limited amount of text and up to two photographs. Pricing would be under $20 for a one time ad.If you have something that you would advertise — construction materials, services, or events, please send an email to:
I’d like to get an idea of the amount of interest there is in this newsletter feature and also what sort of things our members would advertise to determine if this is feasible!
Thank you for your continued support!
The Northeast Portland Tool Library Board